Our Community
Centrally Located Near Downtown and Infill Development.

District Boundaries
The Oklahoma City Farmers Market District runs from Pennsylvania Avenue on the west to Shartel Avenue on the East and from the Oklahoma Boulevard on the north to Interstate 40 on the south. We are one of the largest districts in Oklahoma City and encompass commercial, retail, wholesale, manufacturing, and industrial properties, with a possibility of residential in the future. Located on the southwestern edge of downtown, the OKC Farmers Market District is conveniently situated between the burgeoning Film Row District, the new downtown park, Wheeler Park, and with direct ingress and egress from the Oklahoma Boulevard and Interstate 40. For property inquiries and more district information, please contact Bud Scott, bud@okcfarmersmarket.com.
district boundaries - overview1
regional location
Central business corridor
William McAnally - President l Farmers Market Buds
Max Naifeh - Vice President l Anthem Brewing Co.
Jody McAnally - Treasurer l OKC Farmers Public Market
Lily McAnally-Secretary l Midfirst Bank
Frances Smith - District Administrator l Handspun Co-Op
Madison Amber - Social Media & Marketing l SouthernFried Vintage
Clay Berkes | Powerhouse OKC
Matthew Burch | Urban Agrarian
Patrick Lively | Lively Beer Works
Josh Livingston | Artform
Justin Voight | Voight Custom Knives
Brian & Bailey | Palo Santo
Ian Duty | Adept Commercial Real Estate
Kent Collins | Atomic OKC
Jody McAnally | OKC Farmers Public Market
William McAnally | Farmers Market Buds
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